Monday, 22 October 2007

Nomad : The Warrior

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Title Name : Nomad : The Warrior
Language : Kazakhstan / English Sub
Genre : Action / Historical / War

Synopsis :

An historical epic set in 18th-century Kazakhstan, where a young man is destined to unite the country's three warring tribes.

My Review :

This movie is about Kazakhstan area, outer Mongolia which China is going to invade. However there is a child, decendant of the mighty Gengis Kahn destine to unite all tribes under one Khan. His identity is a secret receiving extensive training on all fights and weaponary, where he meet a boy same age as him. He treat this boy as his dearest brother. At then end, he leads his troops to defeat the Chinese thus became Ablai Khan, greatgrandson of Genghis Khan. The cost of Khan ? his brother. Very good movie and worth the time to see it even though its non English. The English subs are good as well.

My Rating : 8.5 out of 10

Download Links :

File Type : AVI
Total Size : 800 MB (Windows)
Graphics : High
Sound : High

nomad.avi.001 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.002 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.003 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.004 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.005 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.006 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.007 (99 MB)
nomad.avi.008 (44 MB)
nomad_02.avi (43 MB)

Download all Files and use HJSplit to Join them.

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