Monday, 22 October 2007

Species : The Awakening 2007

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Title Name : Species : The Awakening
Language : English
Released : 2nd October 2007
Genre : Action / Thriller / Alien

Synopsis :

A scientist, Dr Holander, takes his niece Miranda to Mexico in an attempt to reverse the effects of the alien DNA he used to create her. However the treatment goes horribly wrong, and sets Miranda on a killing spree as she sets out to find a mate.

My Review :

Something different from the rest of the species. Well, it looks like a sequel from Species 3. A very loving uncle/father to beautiful blonde Miranda has to find his old friend to help "solve" the problem. It seems that Miranda is a "project" created by both of them using alien DNA and human DNA mixture. Now she became unstable and raargh, roar and more raargh. You get it. Good movie and better than the previous chapters that always mate, mate and mate. This movie has more meaning and less nudetiny.

My Rating : 8 out of 10

Screenshot :

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2 minutes preview :

vmt-species4-xvid_2mins.avi (17.09 MB)

Download Links :

File Type : AVI
Total Size : 700 MB (Windows)
Graphics : High
Sound : High

vmt-species4-xvid.avi.001 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.002 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.003 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.004 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.005 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.006 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.007 (99 MB)
vmt-species4-xvid.avi.008 (7 MB)

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