Twenty Four - 24
Season 01
Episode 1: 6 November 2001
Counter Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer is assigned to protect presidential candidate David Palmer from a potential assassination attempt. Unfortunately, his daughter has disappeared and someone within CTU may be involved. Mandy seduces Martin Belkin, a photographer headed for a meeting with the Senator.
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Episode 2: 13 November 2001
Jack rushes to the aid of CTU Director Richard Walsh who comes into possession of a keycard and ends up in a shootout. Gaines encounters trouble acquiring Martin Belkin's ID from Mandy. Elsewhere, Kim realises the gravity of her situation.
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Episode 3: Original Air Date: 20 November 2001
As Kim and Janet temporarily escape their captors, Senator Palmer learns that his son may have been involved in the death of his daughter's rapist 7 years ago. Gaines finally gets Belkin's ID from Mandy, while Jack delivers the keycard to CTU.
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Episode 4: Original Air Date: 27 November 2001
Jamey extracts an address from the keycard and Jack pursues it. Teri and Alan York are pulled over for speeding and Alan complicates the situation. District Director George Mason returns to lockdown CTU. Janet gets picked up by an ambulance.
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Episode 5: Original Air Date: 11 December 2001
Jack skirts Mason in order to break a cop-killer out of jail. Teri and Alan track Janet down at St. Mark's Hospital. Kim's kidnappers deliver to Gaines. Palmer confronts his son about the death of Lyle Gibson.
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Episode 6: Original Air Date: 18 December 2001
Kim and Rick bury the murdered Dan, Janet is moved out of ICU and the truth about "Alan York" is revealed. Jack finds Teri at St. Mark's, but their reunion is short-lived as Gaines uses his leverage against Jack.
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Episode 7: Original Air Date: 8 January 2002
Gaines orders Jack to switch the keycard that Milo is decrypting with a decoy. Teri learns Alan York's true identity; Rick resolves to help Kim escape.
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Episode 8: Original Air Date: 15 January 2002
Gaines orders Jack to a Los Angeles nuclear power plant where Senator Palmer is giving a public address, which Jonathan also attends as Martin Belkin. At CTU, Nina and Tony deal with Jamey, who is revealed as the mole. Teri is delivered by Kevin Carroll, formerly Alan York, to Gaines' facility, where she is reunited with Kim.
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Episode 9:Original Air Date: 22 January 2002
Jack escapes Secret Service custody and takes a waitress hostage. Tony and Nina threaten to bring Jamey's son in if she doesn't cooperate. Teri makes a difficult sacrifice to protect Kim. Sherry persuades Maureen Kingsley not to go public with the Lyle Gibson murder story.
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Episode 10: Original Air Date: 5 February 2002
Jamey dies after slitting her wrists. Jack requires Nina's help to escape a police perimeter in downtown Los Angeles. Teri and Kim secure a cellphone and call CTU. Drazen informs Gaines of a Plan B that may not involve him. Carl takes care of the evidence against Keith.
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Episode 11: Original Air Date: 12 February 2002
Jack poses as a limo driver to meet with a possible suspect. Rick gives Teri and Kim an advantage. A new acting director is brought in to take over the CTU. Drazen's Plan B is set into motion, eliminating the need for Jack's family. Teri suffers from abdominal pains.
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Episode 12: Original Air Date: 19 February 2002
Jack meets Kevin Carroll again and dragoons him into taking him to his family. Rick helps Teri and Kim escape as Gaines' men evacuate the compound. Nina and Tony are interrogated by Alberta Green as to Jack's whereabouts. Palmer learns the fate of George Farragamo.
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Episode 13: Original Air Date: 26 February 2002
In a hasty escape, Jack instructs Teri and Kim to go ahead to a safespot where he will meet them. Gaines and Carroll stalk Jack and Rick through the woods outside the compound. Palmer demands to make a public statement to the DA. Nina and Tony question Jamey's mother.
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Episode 14: Original Air Date: 5 March 2002
Another assassin makes quick work of cleaning up the mess of Gaines' operation. Teri and Kim are taken to a hospital for examination. Palmer learns that planted evidence can implicate Keith in Farragamo's death. Regional Director Ryan Chappelle comes in to take Jack's statement.
Episode 15: Original Air Date: 12 March 2002
Palmer visits Jack at CTU and their connection is finally revealed. Nina supervises the transportation of Teri and Kim to the CTU safehouse. Someone inside Palmer's campaign is connected to the hitman. Jack and Palmer find a third target with information on the assassins.
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Episode 16: Original Air Date: 19 March 2002
Elizabeth Nash is brought into CTU for questioning. Jack finds his resources at work severely cut due to his probationary status. The safehouse is attacked after Nina leaves and Teri and Kim barely escape. Jack and Mason devise a plan that may give them an advantage against the assassins.
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Episode 17: Original Air Date: 26 March 2002
Jack and Mason implement a delicate operation attempting to place a tracker on assassin Alexis Drazen. Teri, still without her memory, runs across a familiar restaurant where she meets a man from her past, Dr. Phil Parslow. Kim contacts CTU, but refuses to disclose her whereabouts, turning instead to Rick. Keith procures proof of Carl's involvement in Farragamo's death.
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Episode 18: Original Air Date: 2 April 2002
Jack is forced to the work with Teddy Hanlin, the ex-partner of one of the agents Jack busted, when he poses as Alexis Drazen to contact a man with information on the remainder of the assassination plot. Tony questions Mason's ethics dealing with the disappearance of Jack's family. Dr. Parslow diagnoses Teri before taking her home. Kim and Rick meet Dan's brother, Frank.
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Episode 19: Original Air Date: 9 April 2002
Teri returns home in an effort to jog her memory. Mason and Jack investigate a lead at a wildlife preserve in Sargus, obtained by Palmer. Frank gets nervous after learning of Dan's death, because the lack of money puts a kink in his planned drug deal.
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Episode 20: Original Air Date: 16 April 2002
Jack continues his search of an apparently deserted area, finding a Class III detention facility run by Mark DeSalvo, who knows why the Drazens want the power cut. Mason heads back to interrogate Alexis Drazen. Rick tells Kim what to tell the cops. The country responds to Palmer's press conference regarding Keith.
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Episode 21: Original Air Date: 23 April 2002
Andre Drazen leads an incursion team to break out his father, the very-much-alive Victor Drazen. Teri returns to the CTU. Jack ends up on the wrong side of a hostage situation. Kim is interrogated and stands up to Melanie in prison. Mason, Nina and Tony run a rescue operation. Palmer wins the 11 primary states in an advance poll, and learns of his speechwriter's secret affections for him.
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Episode 22: Original Air Date: 7 May 2002
Victor offers a deal to the Feds. Palmer makes his own deal in order to help Jack after learning the elder Drazen is alive. CTU learns the latest on Kim.
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Episode 23: Original Air Date: 14 May 2002
Jack is forced to do the Drazen's bidding. CTU uncovers a lead on a second traitor. Kim witnesses the reunion of Victor and Alexis. Palmer deals with the advances of his affectionate speechwriter.
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Episode 24: Original Air Date: 21 May 2002
Sherry Palmer makes a move in her discontent over David's faked death. Jack offers himself in exchange for his daughter's life and squares off against the Drazens. Nina, the second mole, makes a hasty escape from CTU headquarters that is delayed when Teri intrudes. David Palmer makes a final decision concerning Sherry.
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